Thursday, September 18, 2008

Katherine on Poop

We have all had the experience of being in a bathroom stall next to someone who seems shall I put this?...have some intestinal discomfort. Of course we don't draw attention to this fact. We finish our business as quickly as possible and get the heck out of there. Sadly, this doesn't fit into Katherine's way of thinking. If she is in the restroom at the same time as someone who has the aforementioned problem, she has to acknowledge it...loudly: "Eeeeewwwww!" followed by your choice of the following: "That's disgusting!" "What was that loud noise?" "Who was that?!" I don't know who is more embarrassed; me, or the poor woman in the next stall.

Katherine has been potty trained since right around her birthday last March, but she still wears Pull-Ups at night. Lately, if she feels the need to move her bowels before she has gotten dressed in the morning, she has been just doing her business right in the Pull-Up. Why she would want to do this when she knows how to do it in the toilet is beyond me. When she has done this I tell her that it makes me upset because I know she is a big girl and knows how to go in the toilet, and I don't like to change poopy Pull-Ups. So, one morning she didn't want to get dressed before having breakfast. I wasn't real crazy about this idea, because I knew that there was a possibility that she would poop before she had a chance to finish breakfast and get dressed. So I told her that she could eat breakfast in her pajamas, but she was to go to the bathroom if she needed to poop. She ate her breakfast, and as I was cleaning up I caught an unpleasant whiff. *groan* I said, "Katherine, did you poop in your Pull-Up?!" She grinned a devilish grin and nodded. I said, "I asked you to go to the bathroom if you needed to poop!" Her reply, with raised eyebrows and hand on hip (just oozing attitude....and fortunately nothing else), was "Did you say please?". { :O Hmmmm....Honestly I don't remember if I did or not. Then, a separate time, I was helping her change out of a poopy Pull-Up, and thinking about how I keep telling her that it makes me feel upset that she keeps doing that, and I asked her how she thought it made me feel to have to change a poopy Pull-Up. Her reply: "Sick". LOL! True enough. :)

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